Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, November 13, 2009

what do i say?

the pale blue dot
a point of light
still in balance
between what is right
and misunderstood
with rivers of blood
and tides of gloom
marching armies
bringing death and doom
instead of what is great and good
tell me, what do i say
if i'm asked today?
what should she teach her children?
& if they disagree, would i care?
is it my responsibility to be everywhere
there is a special need?
another open mouth to feed?
a human with malcontent
maybe even murderous desire
in a belly full of hate
eyes aglow with wicked fire
and dreams of religious empire
tell me, what do i say
if i'm asked today?
am i a Christian or a God
Jew or Muslim or naked man
running from the garden tree
toward a sweetly scented land?
regard the thin atmosphere
both far and fragrantly near
spinning around our simple Star
in a cosmos where all words
bounce away from where they are
to settle on an unhealed scar
tell me, what do i feel
the moment i find to kneel
and pray?
tell me, what do i say?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself