Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

about GOD

nothing here about GOD
or evangelicals or even Mormon polygamists
in southern Utah with a child bride
nothing to hide
behind or conceal
i'm not upset with Islamic fanatics who randomly kill
innocent children or anyone else who
their explosives tear into
this is not meant to be a blog
where i'm preaching about myself
or nature or Earth
it may in fact have no worth
& i'm okay with that having already fought one war
in Vietnam a long day ago
it seems now like a shadow
before the twin towers fell and ground zero cast a spell
into the mountains of Afghanistan
when i didn't understand
the CIA or wall street executive pay
no, this isn't about food or being intentionally rude
& not about global warming
or locusts swarming onto fertile land
or how mankind has finally found
freely & unbound
his soul and his Redeemer
i am not the schemer
nor will i use sleight of hand
to lead an angry hearts club band
in my small white town to a soft note of silence
where all heads bow down
and see a child-abusing priest
like a night time thief
rape a young girl or boy
repeatedly for years of Catholic joy
nothing here about GOD

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself