Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Mr. Hoover

Dear Allison,

Thank you for the kind letter
acknowledging my military service
to our country, the United
States of America. I do wish to
say, however, that I'm not sure
upon reflection if I was a brave
young man. I went to a far-away
land called Vietnam, in 1969.
There, the people were mostly farmers whose
favorite food was rice, which they grew.
They spoke a language I could not speak, and
I tried to learn, but wasn't very good.
Sometimes I felt afraid, especially at night
when there were unexpected noises, strange shadows,
and the loud sound of rifles being used.
I met many people and they were mostly friendly
and beautiful, with big smiles on happy faces.
Yes, I did volunteer for the army and if I helped
keep people in America safe, I am grateful.
I love this land, because it is your land and it is mine.

Again, thank you for the kind letter, Allison.

Greg Hoover

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