Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good girls

She said her name was Angie with a whisper in my ear
and a rolling song of beautiful sung high for all to hear.
She said her name was Barbara Ann as she danced onto the beach
and washed the sand between her toes, the boys just out of reach.
She said her name was like the Dawn, a poor boy as her friend
and she wouldn't make him go away, he held on til the end.
She said her name was Eleanor, a Rigby lonely girl
and she made a face found in a jar with sadness and a pearl.
She said her name was Gloria when the midnight hour struck
and told me that I'd have to pay, but I just said good luck.
She said her name was Lucy with diamonds in the sky
and clouds and flowers everywhere and smokers flying high.
She said her name was Mary, a proud and turning wheel
and kept on spinning in the streets to test her sex appeal.
She said her name was Roxanne and she'd wait nearby the door
and catch a glimpse as I walked by, her red light on the floor.
She said her name was Suzy and she looked real good to me
and tasted like a creamy cheese melting softly on her knee.
She said her name was Windy, a warm air upon her face
and smiled to every man she met and invite them to her place.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself