Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Where was Einstein?

When Daniel Ellsberg
went looking for his bus,
he saw the war,
felt the sun turn cold 
and ugly 
with political lies
falling from a deceitful sky
like incendiary bombs over North Vietnam,
spilling onto the streets in front of the White House.

near central Saigon on Tu Do street,
a flow of blood dripped constantly from the sharp teeth
of slippery men wearing their helicopter smiles,
trafficking dope 
from a railroad town in Laos
down the trail 
under a heart of darkness:
their American machine guns shooting up
the hard thin arms of Oriental hunger.

On a plutonium pathway the buffalo grass turned shit brown
with the CIA and Agent Orange
locked in a fatal embrace 
from the Plain of Jars
to the Central Highlands,
to the DMZ,
picking pure white daisy petals
while counting down from twelve 
to four and finally closer to zero:
under a cloudy mushroom afternoon,
Nixon was inaugurated to deliver
while fighting for his golden Crown
in the slaughter hallways of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Where was Einstein?
when Daniel Ellsberg
said there were no winnable options
for a WAR 
in jungle thick with sudden death
and monsoon confusion?

A thousand western schemes floated beguilingly,
mingled with autumn flower petals 
on the Perfume River,
past the starving bones of an angry Imperial ghost,
to their lonely grave 
in the South China Sea.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself