Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

but there's no answer

inflicted some pain
and Portugal, too,
but what could they do?
somebody told them
England and France
were both at the dance
to colonize.
it would be an amazing prize!
new lands from sea to shore;
everything to gain and so much more.
and there was abundant silver and gold;
everybody was told
it was for free.
natives could be forced into captivity.
Belgium wanted in on the game
and the Dutch, too, sought fame.
it was how they thought:
everything could be bought
for the least amount of grief.
sail in like a thief
and take and steal and rob and burn
the natives will learn
or they'll die
or remain uncivilized and die
their Gods or Great Spirits might ask why
but there's no answer.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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