Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, February 9, 2023

the kiss of Tosca!

this is the kiss of Tosca!

they were all dead by 3 o'clock on a fine afternoon 
no one expected so many to be gone so soon 
in the early dawn children at breakfast a mother busy with her knife in hand: 
silent Enola Gay high above in her silver chariot drunk on hot jazz 
heavenly wine stored deep inside her belly 
her horses pulling onward into the great wide open 
Morta listened for a cry from the singing diva 
wailing above the home of 100,000 deaths like Roosevelt
fatherly in his easy chair
behind a somber podium 
the great white hall silent behind his back 
his skinny hard tires black 
and rolling 
towards the Manhattan Project not in New York City anymore
then Truman with his hand on the pen 
writing the white lie which would open the box of hell 
and offer howling ghosts 
screaming in full throat 
in mushroom cloudy smoke
the balled fist reaching ever upwards
hot exhaust on the crisp desert air 
like a horrible nightmare 
burning every migrating butterfly into a dream shadow
blooming cactus flowers falling to desert sand
the barbs remaining sharp
and ashes like dusty tears  
and the experimental little boy of all big bombs falling indiscriminate 
targeting and tumbling and preparing to explode over a huddled mass
soft people awake or asleep, restless or comforted
their suddenly revealed skeletons boiled and basted and bombed 
the troubled disbelief 
a sudden cry
thinking the unthinkable 
and to Gods or spirits they called and begged in anguished Japanese, 
moaned on the currents of flaming air
staggering beyond the city limits
past the graves of dead gardens,
why did we have to die? great Earth were we not great, too? 
will there be a second chance? any chance? 
what do i do? 
am i the butterfly or the flower? 
or a passing memory or a missing hour?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself