Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Pictures At An Exhibition

I heard Pictures at an Exhibition: 
no price was charged 
or admission ticket required
no stub 
or membership rules posted. 
i felt the moving mystery!
it gathered all the straining ears
along a horned path 
with vibrating strings 
playing the famous Mussorgsky song in four parts 
of ethereal lighter-than-air 
and diminishing softly,
the tidal wave moodily sweeping water spray sound
& then a quick flair for the flamboyant:
the kettle drum and French horn; 
keys with flutes attached, 
and a sustained trombone blast and some elfish piccolos; 
a large section of bass, deeply humming in tune. 
incessant rock knock and pound surround,
The Kingdom
of finest woven lace 
weaving notes of orchestral tempest. 
and those brilliant escaping images, 
fleeing from practiced instruments,
kept moodily circling 
with fingers of humankind grandly being toyed about.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself