Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin

Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin,

Potsdam, Yalta, Tokyo and Berlin 
South Korea and Mao and for the other guys somehow 
this is important 
with the atomic bomb & with the Marshall Plan 
and the German wall
before the fall 
Seoul overrun by Kim with a quick plan for victory to Pusan 
& the Great March forward somehow spoiled 
by stiff US resistance and blood and guts and honor
and then Truman, McArthur and the Yalu 
long after Hiroshima & Nagasaki but who really knew 
what Eisenhower was about to reveal?
yes, the military industrial complex was designed to steal 
what even the CIA didn't understand 
or the KGB as they used to say 
back in the Cold War day 
alongside Fidel Castro (but now he's dead, too) as is the Shah
and Ayatollah Khomeini,
who didn't understand containment so said let the revolution begin 
with Iran 
and Venezuela and Hezbollah 
the oil flows spelled Mister Moolah in a brave new world 
with Huxley golf courses with Lucy in the sky and 
the fervent Taliban who hate women, 
who want control more than sex. 
Man is the new T-Rex!
not the ladies in flames or whatever else remains 
beyond Marines in central Baghdad or the Chinese in Senegal 
they're unlucky enough to want it all: 
prayer flags flutter in a Himalayan wind;
the soul of Tibet, the Dalai Lama, without a safe bed
in his native-born country said, 
Peace on Earth (at the very least) 
save us from this killing beast!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself