Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, April 22, 2021

when Navalny

when Navalny was grabbed and tossed into jail

(okay, no mixed drinks were available

and the bed was hard and small

to pee, there was a pail)

he stopped eating

the food was poor anyhow

and Putin is a massive dick

conniving and cheating

to help clear the deck

the main streets of Moscow are swept clean

by anonymous citizens

without a policeman's knee on their neck

it could be much much worse

the sun is often black but remains in the sky

the ballet is soaking wet but continues its' lovely dance

a Russian author's curse

is to run out of critical words

just when the steel doors grow most heavy,

but there's magic in each eye

of all the early birds,

including Kandinsky,

who saw what needed to be said

in colors especially red.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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