Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

a stranger's knee

someone thought he wouldn't die

but i want to say

he was wrong

and the final song

was a mother's lullaby

and a prone man's muffled cry

he called for her a last time

said he didn't commit any crime

but on a busy American street

he was forced down to meet

a stranger's knee

heavy on his neck

ignoring any plea

for the gentle touching of human mercy

from one man to another

a bonding like from brother to brother

but whatever came it came to late

he suffered a fate

like too many men of color

who are unheard

even as they speak clearly every single word.

someone thought he wouldn't die

but i want to say

he was wrong

and the final song

was a mother's lullaby

and a prone man's muffled cry

he called for her a last time

said he didn't commit any crime

but on a busy American street

he was forced down to meet

a stranger's knee

heavy on his neck

ignoring any plea

for the gentle touching of human mercy.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself