Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

if my name isn't Lukashenko

hey, it's my country


I created it

I wrote it's history

I made it my own

it's mine

all mine!!!


I fraternize and socialize

and monopolize

and terrorize

hey, it's my country


my family's, too, of course

and if I die while holding supreme




unlimited power

hey, it's my country


SO my son can automatically

take control

assume control

be in control

order and re-order

suggest and digest

and screw whomever

reward whomever

because that's the way it is

the way it will be

the way it's gonna be

the way I demand

it's my reality

my universe

my dancehall

my bedroom

my toilet paper

and the puppet tools I hand-picked will assent

without hesitation

without question

to my wishes

my dictates

my orders

my every hint and nuance

my winks and nods

and if my name isn't Lukashenko,

it is now.

I don't care IF anyone likes those apples.

rotten to the core?

hey, it's my country


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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself