Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, March 19, 2021

walking on thin air

I was running with

Midnight's Children

at a quarter till five

sipping Coca Cola

glad to be alive

after all we've been thru

reading cheap paper back novels

knowing what we already knew

turning pages

to see between the lines,

watching shooting stars

to see the ever-changing signs.

and at night when voices become low

opening my bedroom window

searching for a wider world of mystery,

filled with sleep walkers and passing tales of history

all the way to LA:

it's what the ticket takers used to say.

riding the greyhound bus with a girl and her long hair,

praying that life would be more than fair

among the heavy hearted or those walking on thin air.

there was laughter on my front lawn;

it was Midnight's Children waiting for another amazing dawn

turning heads' straight into the sun,

waiting for the starting gun

and a more perfect direction to run.

I heard about the war and my friend's who paid a price,

never having visited a casino or rolled the dice.

and at night when voices become low

opening my bedroom window

searching for a wider world of mystery,

filled with sleep walkers and passing tales of history

all the way to LA:

it's what the ticket takers used to say.

riding the greyhound bus with a girl and her long hair

praying that life would be more than fair

among the heavy hearted or those walking on thin air.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself