Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

endless blue skies

there's nothing new in my backyard;

my face is soft; the ground is hard,

flowers growing with a rosy smile

i sit and pause for a little while,

looking for some peace and solitude,

hoping to find a more relaxing mood.

and the neighborhood birds sing and dance

i'm in an American trace

remembering how carefree 

solitary life can be

but i miss you being near

maybe magically you'll appear

adding to the garden atmosphere

along with the butterflies

the endless blue skies

and all the songs singing inside my head

dreaming of my special lady and her feather bed

i see you dressed in intelligent red

and here are the first words that i said:

let's plant a kiss on our lips

touching the earth with our fingertips

make it grow blowing on the breeze

and we can have it all, if you please

along with the butterflies

the endless blue skies

and all the songs singing inside my head

dreaming of my special lady and her feather bed.

i see you dressed in intelligent red

and here are the first words that i said:

let's plant a kiss on our lips

touching the earth with our fingertips

make it grow blowing on the breeze

and we can have it all, if you please.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself