Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

an Independence Day parade

the bridge at Remagen
is not in the United States,
but it is a bridge too far,
no matter who you are:
what don't you understand?
it is not in Portland.
never has been
and never will,
no matter who you are
or how many you try to kill
with a hammer or an ice pick,
you prick.
the Super Dooper Looper
is a roller coaster
not a super storm trooper
with kevlar vest and thermal eyes,
a black heart of steel and forked tongue of lies.
so, a grieving mother cries
under your cloud of steaming gas:
she's all the way from the fertile underclass
with an academic degree and dirty nails,
disdainful of your modern jails,
scornful of your belly fat
and your constant bragging about this or that!
if it's not a charade,
it's no longer an Independence Day parade
as far as i can see,
morally and intellectually,
it's a battle for the deepest soul
and everyone has a role.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself