Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, August 3, 2020

all the drops of water are equally wet

all the drops of water are
equally wet,
from the surface to the depths
of despair:
it's always in the air
we breathe,
the food we eat,
the smiles that greet,
and the tired hands
of revolutionary bands
playing music overtime for a cent or two,
but only just a few.
nothing new
to the fox
running free, 
outside his box,
hunting for the mice 
who are rolling their own dice
in an orgy of self-love,
to keep the anger in,
as they manufacture a cheesy grin
with a 5 o'clock shadow of doubt,
wondering what the commotion is all about,
with whiskers on the tip of each nose
to show which way the wind blows,
most are hiding from the sounding waves,
squeezing behind the quiet of their graves,
looking for a drop to drink,
hoping not to permanently sink
into a darkness where they no longer think.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself