Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, May 9, 2020

wasn't it Daniel Boone?

wasn't it Daniel Boone
who went jumping over the full moon
after cheating at a game of Texas Hold'em
inside the lonely Heartbreaker Saloon?
well, he didn't have time to stop and wave
before landing in a Tombstone territory grave
and there's a lesson but i'm guessing:
he didn't think he'd be caught
he didn't think he'd be sought
for holding three pair
while playing in his fancy underwear
he said it didn't seem fair
so he hightailed it out of there
he never came back inside
kept looking for a safer place to hide
kept looking for a poker-faced bride
someone who told the ultimate truth and never lied
stood thru thick and thin by his side
and then she was gone
like the next morning's dawn
holding four aces and his coon skin cap
she never wanted to sit on his cheating lap
or tailor his dusty cowboy jeans
she never liked eating cold franks and beans
and said it was all over so good bye Boone
who went jumping over the full moon
after cheating at the game of life
still looking for a woman to take as his wife:
he knew it was over but still totaled the score
should have stopped but he wanted more
and there's a lesson but I'm guessing
he didn't think he'd be caught
he didn't think he'd be sought
for holding three pair
while playing in his fancy underwear
he said it didn't seem fair
so he hightailed it out of there.
wasn't it Daniel Boone
who went jumping over the full moon
after cheating at a game of Texas Hold'em
inside the lonely Heartbreaker Saloon?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself