Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, May 28, 2020

violence and war!

violence and war!
i gave you everything i've inherited
and still you wanted more
like flowing champagne,
a drink you used to love,
but now it causes only pain
with corporate greed dancing
and empire lies
it's not my idea of romancing:
there's bodies on the floor
looking for truth and consequences
while there's an ambulance standing by the door;
haven't we been this way before?
dream devices
and people growing fat and happy,
unwilling to make sacrifices,
making lazy decisions down on their knees
between politics and technologies.
violence and war!
i gave you everything i've inherited
and still you wanted more
like flowing champagne,
a drink you used to love,
but now it causes only pain
with corporate greed dancing
and empire lies
it's not my idea of romancing:
there's bodies on the floor
looking for truth and consequences
while there's an ambulance standing by the door;
haven't we been this way before?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself