Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

when you're not near

no sense running in the rain
or dancing under the sun
there's nothing to gain
i find only isolation and pain
when you're not near
i'll look but you've gone
i'll call but you won't hear
i'll listen then shed a tear
i can't make it through the night
can't even light my fire
can't turn a wrong into a right
can't turn a blind eye into sight
i just keep hitting my head
eating cold bacon and refried beans
can't even make my own bed
or remember what it was i last said
these old memories still seem young
regardless of my tired heart
memories of songs that we've sung
hang like sweetness on the tip of my tongue
when you're not near
no sense running in the rain
or dancing under the sun
there's nothing to gain
i find only isolation and pain
when you're not near
i'll look but you've gone
i'll call but you won't hear
i'll listen then shed a tear
i can't make it through the night
can't even light my fire
can't turn a wrong into a right
can't turn a blind eye into sight
i just keep hitting my head
eating cold bacon and refried beans
can't even make my own bed
or remember what it was i last said
when you're not near.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself