Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

trying to figure out the final score

i tried to pin the tail on the donkey
during a party in my own basement
but the donkey moved to another town
and never paid me the rent
so i missed that elusive tail
as you sang me a Beatle's birthday song
and mercifully it didn't take you very long
since i was only four
still eating cake crumbs off the kitchen floor
many, many years before the Vietnam war
where i almost died trying to figure out the final score
watching everyone running around with their hands held high in the air
all i clearly remember was wondering how i ever ended up over there
but i digress
probably, i guess
'cause now i'm five and feeling pretty much alive
wishing i could have been the test pilot for Jefferson Airplane
or the drummer for Hendrix or the author of Purple Rain
living thru the hard years with all the love and none of the pain
wearing large sunglasses while hammering at the keys of my Steinway piano
never running low on ammo
and always running up the tab
enticing all the beautiful ladies and lads with my good looks and my gift of gab
but i digress
probably, i guess
'cause now i'm six playing another game of pick up sticks
with my mother and how she'd always win the game
regardless of how hard i tried it always ended the same
i wanted to be a wild animal but always ended up tame
i tried to pin the tail on the donkey
during a party in my own basement
but the donkey moved to another town
and never paid me the rent
so i missed that elusive tail
as you sang me a Beatle's birthday song
and mercifully it didn't take you very long
since i was only four
still eating cake crumbs off the kitchen floor
many, many years before the Vietnam war
where i almost died trying to figure out the final score
watching everyone running around with their hands held high in the air
all i clearly remember was wondering how i ever ended up over there
but i digress
probably, i guess.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself