Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, September 27, 2018

poblano peppers

he's in the canyon walking with a dog;
she is in front looking for a deer,
but it's too hot for any sensible deer
to be that far from a source of water.
the recent futile, but entertaining chase after a group of young turkeys
is over and out of her mind already.
a few vultures are seen feasting on a very dead hen chicken
that must have strayed from the nearby farm.
the dog doesn't chance the vultures! they
cast a mean glance as she nears.
he remains attentive as he sits on a flat rock trail side.
his ass immediately becomes uncomfortable but his legs are tired
from the three hour walk.
the paper bag is crumbled and almost empty as his hand
gropes inside for whatever food remains.
a few stray clouds momentarily block the bright sun.
he keeps wearing his broad-brimmed hat.
he remembers there was supposed to be a big hullabaloo over the Senate Judiciary
meeting being held in Washington, D.C. that morning!
two people, one woman and one man, are to be cast as the central characters
to deliver testimony, most assuredly of starkly different versions
of a high school party: a he said, she said intrigue.
what would make this compelling is that the guy
was recently nominated by a former reality TV star to become a Supreme Court Justice.
his fate for a successful vote would center on his presumed fitness for that bench.
she would say he assaulted her.  was she lying?
did he thrust his preppy penis towards her body?
did he try to remove her clothes?  Rape her?
did he drink too much beer?  anything?
did he have an accomplice?
would the accomplice remember anything pertinent?
would the verbal battle be sufficient to derail his appointment?
would he still be given the high honor in spite of a woman's recollections
of his youthful misbehavior?  would she be believed?
the dog didn't want to keep hanging around the trail side flat rock,
and he's thinking nothing beyond giving the dog a drink by squirting
a stream from his Camelback water bottle; the dog gets ready with an open mouth.
the water makes the dog cough to clear her throat.
he knows it's time to pick up the pace.
there are flavorful visions of a home cooked meal tapping the glass of his brain wall.
his feet are becoming as sore as his ass,
so he stands and moves off.
he's followed by the dog.  she must be tired.
he wonders is he has any poblano peppers in the pantry.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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