Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, July 22, 2017

thankfully it feels healthy to be

i could be blind
but i continue to live and work
into my ripe old age
while in my mind
psychic forces
like the roots of a healthy vegetable, build!
the world outside my window
has moved on from draft horses
to cybersecurity and Russian hacking,
to the functioning of IBM's Watson and NASA toilets,
to the dysfunction of democratic elections,
and to what craziness is the NRA backing?
i decided to stay in bed
at least on one occasion
when the outbreak of total war seemed imminent
and an excited young Presidential press secretary said
she would send me lots of money
if i'd talk to the writers at Saturday Night Live
emphatically stating that the White House
didn't find their sarcastic jokes funny
i was thinking her suggestion cute
just as an elegant chauffeur stood
and waved his finger pointedly in my direction;
i told him i was newly destitute
and couldn't afford his first world ride.
but, of course, i lied
i was going to winter in the south
where i wouldn't have to listen to any loud mouth
offer me a competitive auto insurance loan
or a high spending limit on an airline credit card
no, i wanted a living fence growing in my yard
without the glitter and glamor
of an unsustainable corporate Thor's hammer:
thankfully it feels healthy to be
uninterested in the fate of Apple or Google
while going to bed early, cautious and frugal.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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