Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

kissinger, the lover

Henry, the lover
Kiss of death
light-skinned and dare i say
foul of breath
unafraid to push people out of his way
stepping over tombstones
guilty of bleaching their bones
all in the course of a busy Washington afternoon
like a drunkard with his flask
or a junkie with his spoon
selling his mind like a whore sells her body
so filled with luminous pride
his mouth moved and he fashionably lied
infatuated with power
with an accent designed to beguile the press
who overlooked his foreign policy mess
understanding nothing beyond the fact
that he screwed them from the front and humped them from the back
their bodies entangled in barbed wire
he set them on fire
continued to make his deals
either foul or fair
he didn't give a damn or care
his favorite affair
infatuated with power
every second and each hour
and there's no room left for applause
his favorite cause
Henry, the lover
Kiss of death
light-skinned and dare i say
foul of breath.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself