Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, January 26, 2017

sanctuary church

The black robed Tsar
in his sleek armored car
on the streets of Philadelphia
media day for the boys
even his favorite pollster made her entrance in military garb
but not before the local DJ's blew large speakers full of bass;
the neighborhood craft breweries heard her sipping her beer;
the American press from both afar and near
watched her lick her lips and lick the head, yum.
she left alternative facts scattered on the main stage
near custom-tailored suits and flags,
plastic trash cans and scattered black rags,
climate-controlled or climate-changed,
even the Comcast Tower
and the Trump Tower
promised more than they would ever deliver.
the newly remodeled Hilton Hotel near the Reading Terminal
buzzed with unruly management and protesters
who all held signs which said RESIST
until their arms grew tired and in a weird twist
began to speak fluent Spanish
when it was announced that
the current Mexican President had just promised bravely to be absent
from any meeting between unequals however neighborly!
the Tyrannosaurus Rex went scowling to his gilded room
with bleeding gums;
he ate large handfuls of Made-in-America Tums.
the most important Border Guard resigned from his post;
the barking dogs of war
ran around with their authoritarian collars pulled too tight;
they began to foam at the mouth
when they looked south.
everyone went home at night,
slipping underneath the middle-class floor.
many were found after an exhaustive search,
having taken refuge in an sanctuary church.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself