Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, October 3, 2016

something i said

the radio played
a Johnny Cash song
and i wanted to sing along
but found myself in heavy traffic
on a Sunday afternoon
i wanted to be home soon
when i saw the suits and ties and dresses
walking to the neighborhood church where only guesses
would ever be made
their lovely flowers bundled and laid
at my feet
it was more than i could hope to eat
and the story flashed across my windshield
like a wiper in a storm
i turned on my heater to stay warm
when a next song from Fleetwood Mac
reminded me to never turn back
so dutifully straight ahead i sped
down to the nearest tidal shore
past the formal front door
and on my way
i saw the spires and heard the spinning tires
of one hundred years about to unfold
i saw hungry hours inside a box being readied to be sold
they tried to grab me by the nose
when Kurt Vonnegut whispered
"and so it goes"
out from the sea
into the woods and across the field
where i fell on my sword and was carried on my shield
a song kept repeating in my head
was it something i said?
the radio played
it seemed familiar but wasn't something that i made
i wanted to be home soon
overhead i saw the shimmering moon
and heard a Johnny Cash song
and i wanted to sing along.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself