Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Earth Man

Earth Man
walked across an Indian desert with his guitar in hand
took a swim in a fresh water pond where he stole their drink
tossed his empty glass into a stainless steel kitchen sink
sat in a easy chair where he hoped to think
when a girl from Des Moines
asked if he had any spare coins
but he had none
he stood up to go looking for some fun
but everything had already been done
so he walked onto bright Town Avenue where brilliant flowers once grew
and saw an electric car parked by the side of a busy road
with a lithium battery about to explode
the driver side door painted Pacific blue
he kicked it with his Amazon Prime jungle shoe
and a security camera watched him light up a smoke
he laughed at his own imagined joke
but tossed it away with a long note of fresh disdain
before the thunderstorm of lightning and imminent rain
lit up the sky and made his walking tough
he said all the edges felt rough
but with a cheap suitcase and a east coast bookstore map
he pulled on his favorite Minnesota Twins baseball cap
and walked aimlessly for several hours
to reach a corner of the famous twin towers
of New York City where he looked for a dog but found a lost kitty
and the passing woman gave him a big apple kiss
he was suspicious but nothing seemed terribly amiss
because he was the kind of man who liked to get from here to there
and she hadn't asked for money so he didn't really care
he got his dander up and she got her hair pins down
they decided to grab a brush and paint the town
but they found none
they went looking for some fun
into the countryside where they found a giant oak
he laughed at his own imagined joke
and with a picnic basket of cheap dreams
he told the lady he wasn't exactly as he seems
but it was okay to eat a fine meal and have an even bigger drink
i saw him sit in an easy chair where he hoped to think
and he put her on his lap
with a cheap suitcase and an east coast bookstore map
she said she wasn't exactly as she appeared
and he looked at her and their faces neared
there was a moment of quiet reflection but it came and went
a voice was heard which they believed was Heaven sent
and nervously crawled into their survivalist tent
the lights went low and everything grew quiet
and near the end there was no whispering and no laughing riot
so i packed my bags and put on my traveling shoes
with my guitar in hand i wanted to learn to play the blues
motivated by the headlines of yesterdays' news:
the World might have been a poet but couldn't find a muse.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself