Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

trying to live in Heaven

i was too focused on her smile:
her eyes are brown and sparkle
i spent an afternoon redecorating the house
i was just about finished when she called
it's been five years since our first kiss, i thought
i remembered how she laughed when she said,
"our bacteria like the exchange!"
she was a cook and a farmer
before she became the skipper of a large sailboat
i used to plow a field when i was younger
i wore a beard at the time
she likes to sit by her gas fire and read
whatever she wants to read
i make her black coffee and read
whatever i want to read
she especially likes Chardonnay
i like Merlot
there was a deadbolt on her front door
she would want it in the lock position
when we pretended to be Zorro and his sword
i could stand it for about four days
it was like trying to live in Heaven.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself