Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

She was once a dancer

this is new
the first time that i walked this way
i went into a local stadium looking for the game
but nobody there came out to play
i saw a sidewalk pigeon
who kept eating her black seed
she talked to me in excitement
asked me just what it was i need
so i pulled at her heart strings
i found a new mandolin and guitar
we enjoyed tremendous popularity
but never really got too far
she showed me her friendly joker
he wore a golden crown just like a famous king
i fell into his blind circle
and never saw another goddamn thing
i wore a top hat in the day light
i had a mistress on the side
one man I met said he knew all the secrets of life
but he always lied
so I walked away from my hometown
the first chance i had i sat in the front row
surprise might be the great new source of energy
but i didn't know where else to go
my hands were cold in the darkness
a blue moon floated overhead in the sky
the upper body of a girl was buried like a still life
and i simply couldn't figure out why
i promised her a toast
she promised me a new start
but she was dying from all her failed loves
and i had a weak heart
I woke again the following Monday
hurried over to provide whatever help i could
she told me once she was a dancer
i told her once I had been no good
and in the center of a great hall
i found her white gloves folded on the plaster floor
she thanked me with a fine kiss
and i never once asked her for anything more.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself