Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

the Bermuda Triangle: redo #730

Seven boxes and seven suns
Were arranged in the middle of the hallway.
Blocking me, a polite man from Asia asked me if I
Wanted to pass.  He was standing behind
A microphone, but in front of a large crowd of anxious people.
I nodded yes and he stepped aside.
As I went by he handed me a twenty dollar bill,
Then asked to see my passport.
Fortunately, it wasn't stolen or out of date.
While he looked it over,
I grabbed his mike.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," I spoke clearly above their clamor,
"These boxes are empty."
One particularly ancient woman who said her name was Helen
Shouted that she didn't believe me!
A man who introduced himself as Dan asked about the seven suns!
He said he didn't believe they were really radioactive.
What did I think? he wanted to know.
I felt the tug on my arm and saw my passport was being returned.
The polite Asian man asked for his twenty back, but I told him I had already spent it.
He threatened to hang himself with a scarf if I refused, so I gave it to him.
I picked up the first box and it was very heavy, very black, but when I looked inside
There was simply a vast ocean of nothingness.
Several people started to shout for answers, so I moved on.
The seven suns were so hot that when I used my arm as a shield, I could clearly see
My thin bones through my newly transparent skin.  When I looked around for him,
Dan was already gone, as were the other people, including the Asian man.
All the tiny hairs on my arm slowly singed.  My face burned.
Suddenly, I was very tired and alone.
Where had everyone gone? I wondered.
I fell down to my knees and crawled in the nearest box to search for signs of life.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself