Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tender Is the Night

Tender Is the Night,
which was brilliantly written by
F. Scott Fitzgerald,
failed to impress Gerald Murphy or his
wife, Sara, who spent her time without a book,
smiling under a beach umbrella.
she loved a great laugh, as did her husband, but did not want too much
sun or to be cross-examined about her relationship with her husband.
it was whispered he was homosexual.
Scott Fitzgerald was known to amuse himself by introducing Gerald to pretty
young men.
Gerald amused himself with pretty young men, but never once thanked Scott.
Sara was a friend of Fitzgerald's wife, who was
known to be crazy.
Zelda Fitzgerald had once overdosed on sleeping pills but they did not kill her.
an excess of alcoholic consumption did not kill her, either, but
God knows one famous summer she tried to drink everything bottled at
the Hotel du Cap, and almost succeeded.
when briefly sober, she had a blatant affair with a rookie pilot,
and often spread her wings at the local air base.
Scott would drink heavily, but he was a writer!
eventually, the couples would part ways, leaving hotel life,
and the busy Mediterranean coast for
certain mischief elsewhere.
And they could afford it!
after all, Living Well Is the Best Revenge.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself