Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

celestial blue

the new guy in town
underneath a movie marquee
waited for romantic reruns
because they were free.
he was hanging with Lola
who was inspecting her hand
hoping to sing
in a street fighting band.
when she couldn't remember
the words to a song
she started her lyrics
and they quickly went wrong.
they watched a TV
which sat on the floor,
explaining life
as it sped by their door.
his wall clock kept ticking
with seconds to spare;
her chair still kept rocking
but no one was there.
the little kitten,
celestial blue,
looked in their mirror
and saw her way through.
she couldn't be certain
what she saw with her eyes;
she thought it was earth-bound,
but reached for the skies.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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