Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Landscape at Ceret: Summer of 1911

The pet monkey had two noble balls
and his companion was a Spaniard
who admired himself in and out of a heat wave.
Havilands large house impressively brave
held a studio with three fans stirring air;
even Braque promised to spend time there
since his hat had already arrived
by parcel at a quarter to five
and Picasso wore one to the Grand Cafe
with a false mustache and side-whiskers applied
if identified, he simply lied
and laughed but what language he spoke
he danced the sardana for an inside joke
the girls in the middle of town
watched him draw their windows round
and square all through the night
his areas of transparent blackness full of light
like a poet or a peasant
something fine and equally pleasant
slipped from equilibrium and poise:
his visceral drive made quite the attractive noise!
It shouted boldly from the mountain ledge
a line both sharp and full of edge.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself