Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

nothing much to say

these clear tears were so heavy
they were impossible to lift
but seeing you smile by my side
was a special gift

a memory of a walk through the woods
in a creek and over trees
i wanted to tell you how much
you please

the green field and yellow flowers
our time spent in lazy minutes
turned slowly into hours

while the sun warmed the soft air
watched us quietly explore
straying from the narrow trail
we had enough but wanted more:

cars and the noise they make
in exhausted life seem so fake
i called you closer to my side
there was no where to hide

so i had you in the meadow grass
i the lad and you the lass
hearts content on an April day
there's not much more to say

the fiddle head ferns and property lines
little yellow signs
nailed into thick bark
but just a momentary mark

and cutting our initials into wood
thinking we should
we tumbled like little elves
far from our serious adult shelves

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself