Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Judas Priest (has a gun)

Judas Priest
liked his liquor straight

and he partied hard
and he stayed out late

he wore his beard
on every Saturday

and peppered God
on the kitchen tray

but he never missed his time to pray

Judas Priest
worshiped his warm gun

like a man of war
he shot out the sun

he wore his hat
on every Saturday

and turned out the lights
just so he could stay

but he never missed his time to pray

Judas Priest
liked his women cold

and he treated them
like they're bought and sold

he grabbed a girl
on every Saturday

and he frightened her
so she wouldn't say

but he never missed his time to pray

Judas Priest
liked his lonely shore

and he never cried
but he wanted more

he slapped a child
on every Saturday

and he hated it
when they ran away

but he never missed his time to pray

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself