Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, January 28, 2011

castles in the air

castles in the air
i could not find you there
wistful and resting without care
tired and without my heavy jacket or a shirt
i went to rid myself of hurt
and that good sensation lasted much too long
i almost felt i had done something wrong
but with every easy breath i took i glowed
when i remembered all the good love you showed
no bad thoughts no dueling sword
no sense of exclusion or discord
simply sweet reflection inside a cloud of bliss
it's you after all that i mainly miss
castles in the air
i could not find you there
wistful and resting without care
from my leather chair i leaned on the window sill
i saw you on the distant hill
and you were beautiful with flowers on your bed
i almost felt i knew what should be said
but with every easy breath i took i glowed
when i remembered all the good love you showed
no bad thoughts no dueling sword
no sense of exclusion or discord
simply sweet reflection inside a cloud of bliss
it's you after all that i mainly miss
castles in the air
i could not find you there

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself