Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

driving in my car

driving in my car
nobody knows who we are
passing streets with no name
then turning around again
watching all the people riding their bikes
mostly satisfied,
but with personal dislikes
in the shopping aisle where they've stopped for a little while
is keeping them from making a selection
this is the intersection
no one can pass through the red light without a pause
Lady Gaga is on one side
on the other Santa Claus
in a watchful mood
his bag is full with bags of food
looking at all the singers with their book
giving him all his jolly look
but nobody knows who we should be
the Sunday dancers praying to be free
all their barricades falling down
Mondays explosion the only sound
many day rats rushing in a blinding maze
in a ceremony guaranteed to amaze
in an old fashioned wedding gown
facing forward not looking down
this party is getting started and you're invited in
as soon as you're ready we're gonna begin
driving in my car
nobody knows who we are
passing streets with no name
then turning around again

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself