Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Team 95

the ground was hard
walking softly
inside the wire at Team 95
near Bien Hoi outside Saigon
at the very moment you took a dive
from the high board
checking your watch for the correct time
while i worried about a friend of mine
you didn't know him
slicing through the water of your pool
i know you thought you were so damn cool
our fire mission was over
now the radio chatter
started to really matter
as i was walking past the wall
of sandbags stacked old and tall
near the cement bunker
near my sack
where i would sleep
occasionally not often deep
i know you thought my life was thin
but wait, it fades
i could hear the thump of blades
far at first but closer the sound
i didn't have to turn around
my chopper pad was near the watch tower
your practice session lasted only one hour
and then you were soaked in the locker room
soaked like a champagne groom
soaked like a sponge in an evening shower
inadvertently dropped and full of itself
i felt the rotor wash
pieces of flying dirt
you never hurt
rushing to class
round eyed girls and more
i on the other hand at war
didn't have your chance to swim
i played a game of numbers
how many KIA or MIA or AWOL
or Chu Hoi or R&R or on leave
or in formation and ready to go
sick or in jail
it would never fail
i didn't know
sometimes fucked up and didn't care
where were you in all of this?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself