Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

5 nights

five nights
and i'm cooking stew
resting by the fireside
thinking of you
i'm sipping my tea
reading a book
remembering all the days
to here it took
then finding a pillow
before eleven
getting out of bed
sometime around seven
watching the oil
gushing from a hole
feeling the silence
empty my soul
five nights
and i'm sixty-two
still riding the train
thinking of you
and out the window
beyond the steel track
my life as pages
with no turning back
five nights
and i'm riding away
but no one is asking
for me to stay
bright city lights
the countryside
i can't find
a place to hide
using my hammer
or welding torch
i'll make myself
a new back porch
under the stars
by the small pond
like a fairy
with her tiny wand
i'll sip paradise
with a chocolate milk
and a ruby slipper
and a robe of silk
under the sky
if it doesn't rain
i could be reading
Roughing It by Twain
five nights
and i'm tying my shoe
ready for hiking
thinking of you

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself