Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Nearness of You

here is the tool, the key
to what can make a famous symphony
the salesman smilingly said
with his bald head
at six foot four or more
in his tailored suit he asked if i'd like a tea
but really
i said touching the piano with great care
actually, with my practiced flair
i'd like to play a scale or two
maybe a song, one of my chosen few
so i sat on the bench with ready ease
and adjusted myself while he uttered "Please"
as i began to tap and rap and finger from the heart
a gentle concerto from Mozart
number twenty one - Andante
listen to it, i say
a young beauty carrying her cup of tea
walked near and pointedly
asked if i knew
Serenade in Blue
naturally i quickly switched to Glenn Miller
as any helmsman would with his tiller
when the currents proved outrageous
my new situation i deemed advantageous
with the smiling lady who liked my style
she sat on the bench for a sustained while
the salesman never brought the tea
for me
but together
i played and she sang Stormy Weather
my fingers were right with every sharp and flat
i left with my cane and hat
and a sweet-voiced lady on my arm
full of charm

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself