Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Goldman Sachs Group

no one seems to know Goldman Sachs Group
the CDOs and derivatives and synthetics
and managing risk or not very well
packaged and sold or bought and
traded on the electronic exchange
unless you're a financial wizard
this splitting into senior traunches
might seem very strange
artificial and on the fringe
barely managing to remain in the
real world
nothing here is apple pie
no simple receipe for blueberry muffins soft and tasty
no push button or turn the key and GO
no one seems to know why the big meltdown occured
yet everyone agrees billions of dollars "up in smoke"
from accounts and statements and portfolios
and IRAs and real estate values
but grandma smiled with her money
tucked under a bedroom pillow, still wrinkled
by inflation although she could hold it in her hand
unlike an option spread or a put or a call
she might have slipped but she didn't fall
no one seems to know if they've been screwed
or insulted by smart hedge fund traders
who speak a language harder to understand
than Mandarin Chinese and harder to read
than Egyptian hieroglyphics
yet these high priests walk the high Temple steps
to gain their market elevation
above the huddled masses
above the hustling street vendors
sipping hot coffee
sipping soda and eating hot dogs
from a cart or a truck with a hungry hand
no one seems to know how Wall Street pumps the cash
into the great whirligig of a global market
but it has achieved a prominent position in minds
of business owners and investors
who shuffle like dull comedians
holding their cards playing their
behind masks of sublime seriousness,
hoping this Machine does not fail
no one seems to know Goldman Sachs Group

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself