Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Arizona: The Grand Canyon state

now we have to beware of Mexicans in Arizona
who may not have the proper papers
who may be undocumented
potentially dangerous criminals
who may be intent
on committing
nasty nefarious deeds
against the plain sweet law-abiding
gentle innocent devout law-abiding
voting populace of this
tender southwestern state
so recently admitted to the Union:
February 14, 1912 by which time the Grand Canyon
was already a national monument
formed by water exposing colorful rocks
dating back to Precambrian times, before
Hispanics crossed the southern border
before Glen Campbell got to Phoenix looking
for the girl he thought was waiting,
but she wasn't waiting;
she couldn't wait, she couldn't sit, she couldn't rest
on the heavy park bench and be comfortable,
she couldn't enter the air conditioned downtown restaurant
for an iced tea or an iced coffee without attracting
the attention of a white rancher, or
a white policeman, or a dutiful white citizen,
she was anxious about just being herself in Arizona,
her skin feeling marked with her imaginary Jewish Star of David
her forehead feeling marked for a phone call to curious local
Authorities, who wanted to question her,
who wanted to see her papers, who wanted to know
where she lived and
who she lived with and why
and when and if and how
Welcome to Arizona.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself