Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

World History: Shahid #4

The tin soldier grew bold,
wearing shoes for a smile.
A girl, Mandy, tugged his pants,
and held his stupid hand for a while.

His black eyes crossed
in empty space and lost
focus for a considerable time
while i'm
the newest statue in this room,
a substitute for a particular lady
who has escaped on her teacher broom.

I read
the history instructions she provided:
A map of our world, their planet,
damn it, damn it, damn it,
not an insignificant map; not poison gas
or a strange path to an essay museum.

The blue podium reeked of tedium
but it held my weight while
the soldier killed me with his jokes.

Their voices filled like balloons
with nothing and That's All Folks!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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