Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, January 22, 2010

romeo, romeo

dean's list
schindler's list
grocery list
bucket list
i was dreaming on your bed
while you checked my cell phone text messages
for other women that i said
were gone for good, were past
i'm curious how our relationship can last
if you won't trust me?
of course you found the evidence
which now i realize should have been deleted
the seductive secretary at the Christmas party
and the tango twins that i greeted
at my modeling agency i can explain
& my ex-wife the alcoholic well we're so almost done
since nothing between us was ever much fun
it's not worth mentioning the pain
it would cause her by not responding
her psyche need is so immense
i shouldn't be kicked out of your place
this late at night as
i was dreaming on your bed
when you so impetuously said
Out, Out, Out, Out!
what's this all about?
and must you shout?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself