Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, January 25, 2010

lip gloss

my favorite shade of lip gloss
is a nervous black
when i step from my landing
then immediately turn back
to the previous stair
wasn't someone there
only a brief moment ago?
you ask me why i hesitate
and smile when i say
it's because i haven't anything
special to wear today
you on the other hand
are perfectly fine
wearing a casual pair
of pants most anytime
without makeup or perfume
i watch you wondering
if i'll be ready soon
but i'm waiting for the rising of the moon
and a shaft of falling light
to touch my knees
to end this freeze
which freezes me as i glance
at distant lovers while they dance
in a riot of silent romance

my favorite shade of lip gloss
is an uncertain blue
as i sit by an intimate moment
thinking of you

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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