Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, February 24, 2024

a man called Confucius

 There was a bombing in the Basilica,

but fortunately no one was injured.

the media coughed up the story for a week,

like a house cat with a huge hair ball

stuck in its' throat.

Finally, the news shifted to Hong Kong!

The BBC along with many other international media,

breathlessly proclaimed that a street protest,

which started at the intersection of 

Yee Wo Street

and Hennessy Road,

grew like an old Confucian beard.

The throngs of people were heard singing,

it was reported,

with many carrying placards which

spoke of humaneness.

Uniformed police were reported to have been

shoving everyone within their reach.

Undercover agents were actively taking pictures.

Of course, police behavior was not appropriate,

as many protest organizers were quick to say.

Propriety, it was noted, was important;

sufficiently important, the BBC wrote, to galvanize the protesters.

The assembled people appealed for wisdom from their elected leaders!

Yes, this proved to be big news!!

But the upper levels of Hong Kong's political elites

proved to be less than trustworthy.

Within days, they capitulated to the wishes of

the mainland Chinese leadership's interests.

These interests, it was known, were not about

the 5 pillars!

Thus, the old Confucian beard was trimmed.

The majority of Hong Kong people had hopes and hearts

surgically removed, like an arthritic hip,

without anesthesia.

Finally, the news, (BBC included) shifted to an Indonesian earthquake

and the subsequent tsunami.

Yet, historically, there once was a man called Confucius.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself