Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, June 9, 2023

Lynden Gallery

so i went to an art opening
at the Lynden Gallery
in etown & many people came out
including Luke and Mallory
whom i hadn't seen in about
two years or so plus Lisa
the owner was there
with her beautiful raven dark hair.

Ned Wert was the artist on display
(i met his sister & her fiancee)
and his works are now largely abstract
hanging with deep red as the predominant shade:
i was gasping at the numbers as fact
then noticed several full prices were paid
but it was simple since the mood was so good
to be friendly and feel that you should
in this fire hall converted to art 
just mingle and fondle a heart,
drink wine, eat crackers, and cheesy
to imagine that living is easy.

here is original stuff as it should be
poking holes in the idea of normality

a space which is happy and free,

so visit.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself