Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, June 15, 2023



all thru de night

and de following afternoon

you and i 

noticing the clouds and the sun

when they're in the sky,

and the far horizon of an imaginary sea,

as deep as our memories will allow.

and oh! we can be loud 

and bellow and sing

with all the air our expanding lungs can bring


so we, too, can fly

like the breezes on our face

leaving a sweet taste 

maybe like frozen pistachio ice cream

or whatever it is we dream

if wishes really do come true

for everyone but especially for you

digging into the depths of a golden castle high on the hill

and finding bones

and a temporary chill

which captures a moment

just before hearing the delighted laughter of children playing on a sliding board or swinging

from a low-branched tree

and when looking closer you notice it's both you and me

but i'm wearing my linen shirt

while walking slowly in the soft dirt 

of my old age

enjoying the feeling of being very light



all thru de night

and de following  afternoon.

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