Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

reading Hemingway

the campfire burned a bright flame on top of my hunger 
i hope everyone knows by now:

we're not getting any younger.

thus, cold time reclining in the freezer calls my name! 
it sounds like old geezer 

while the cod on the cape has lots of wealth 
& ladies stroll the beach for health 
but i can't go there 
with my heavy head of thinning hair 
and share 
their dream of paradise... 

no, it's a lump of coal a chunk of emotional ice 
an alley with a deep dead end 
and one is dumped there without any friend 
without a lively book, no color on a questioning face 
that one didn't paint or trace. 

but this appetite on my tongue isn't a hangover from when i was young 
it's tasty surface, like a passion, 
persists beyond any passing fashion 
as sun brightens the fire and burns the kiln-dried wood 
it lingers in the bones and makes them feel so damn good 
running full face inhaling fresh air swallowing embers while playing dare 
reading Hemingway; reading Crane 
thinking youthful shit with an active brain 
dancing to a temptress's song 
and trampolining naked which is never wrong:

it simply feels where i belong.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself