Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, March 9, 2023

A regular guy

Steven was a regular teacher 
just a regular guy 
with no thought of moon walking into moving traffic 
his contract schedule obliged him to cover for my break.
he came into my classroom with his quiet shuffle 
(damn, wasn't he the band director?) 
and sat his thin ass on the thin chair spinning it to an exact spot 
a spot he wanted
his spot 
and faced the wall of windows without looking outside 
without seeing the dancing cars 
or the blue sky 
or the perfectly unfolding flowers 
and cumulus clouds tapping their happy feet northeasterly 
to party the night away on the Lower East Side 
with Patsy and the Nighthawks. 
he placed his grey laptop on his lap 
his hair was thin and short and dark 
his eyes dark 
his mood dark dark, too, his shoes tied with dark laces 
his suit dark his skeleton dark 
inside crawling across the dark mental desert searching for some holy waters. 
he told me he would babysit my kids for 45 minutes. 
fine. okay. I won't be too long. 
who wouldn't want a chance to play? 
but before I walked away toward the noise of the cafeteria, 
Trent said goodbye Angie said goodbye Nick said see ya 
Trent said alternative ed sucks 
Trent also said it's a good thing Mr. Hollman isn't teaching again this year 
Trent said shit 
Trent said when he was no longer on probation, 
he'd be drinking beer on the weekend, 
licking foam from the lips of girls he'd like to fuck, 
and being a good student of animal behavior Trent liked to smoke pot, he said 
and he bragged he could roll his own with one hand, 
his fingers being limber and full of fun. 
so after I walked out, Steven wrote a message 
on yellow lined paper-notes to himself-which he later used to compile an incident report: 
he slid it into the high school Principal's inbox 
his report complained about Trent and his casual display of disrespect, 
Trent's use of profanity was highlighted.
Steven was sending his paper missle strike at Trent's walled compound, 
using a joy stick to bring pain. 
later, I was called into the Principal's office. 
what the hell was going on? 
I told the Principal that Steven was exaggerating!
that everything he said was more than what he heard 
So screw yourself Steven 
You're just a regular guy, 
A regular guy
still squeaking from that cold morning shower, 
with your shaved American smile, 
no perfect tooth misaligned 
I want to puke on your shoes, 
remove the fancy laces, 
& shine a light on the darkness in your eyes.
I'll use profanity
and maybe blow smoke up your ass, just for fun.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself