Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

riding on the bus

riding on the bus

my brain is spinning like a kite

into the gusting winds of another night

and i fear things are no longer alright

my feet are stomping on the floor

but i'm not anchored anymore

i can't find the old front door

with no map to lead me home

into the wilderness i'll continue to roam

without an intersection to spy

winking with a helpless eye

hanging by a simple thread

awash with loneliness and unexamined dread

shot thru with yesterday's news

maybe dangerous with nothing to lose

(and) my windows are shut tight

into the gusting winds of another night

riding on the bus

wondering who is driving this thing?

more a servant than a king

at the mercy of the fates

no longer hoping for a lover who waits

shot thru with yesterday's news

maybe dangerous with nothing to lose

(and) my windows are shut tight

into the gusting winds of another night

riding on the bus.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself